Week #3 (May 8 – May 14, 2020)
Explorer Teams Agreement
Every team member must read and agree to the Explorer Participation Guidelines here. Please make sure to review and agree to it by May 15, 2020.
Subsession #1 Survey Results
Thank you for all of you who filled out the first subsession survey. Here are some statistics that we would like to share with you. We will use the data as guidance to continue to evolve the program. For example, it is good to know that the virtual format is acceptable to a majority of the teams, that helps us design the program around a hybrid model. Another example is the interaction language, as a result of the survey, we have moved some teams around (you should get an email soon if your team has been moved) to try and group Darija/Arabic teams together. It is also refreshing that the customer discovery message was delivered.

Wednesday May 13th, 14:00-15:00
Introduction to Behavioral Design and Game Thinking (Presenter Monty SHARMA): Video games provide an ideal environment to understand human behavior. In this workshop, Monty Sharma, a game industry veteran, will discuss what he has learned from games that can be applied in any user facing product or software. How does habituation work? Why do games look simple but most games fail? What inducement to action does your product offer and how does it express achievement?
Monty SHARMA: Monty is a seasoned entrepreneur and tech executive who has worked in everything from telecoms to video games. He has worked with a number of student started or university spin-out companies in Canada and the US. His expertise is behavioral design for both companies and products.
Wednesday, May 13, 15:00-16:45
10ème e-conference sous le thème: Transfert technologique : la voie royale pour la valorisation du chercheur, des résultats de recherche et pour la création de richesse (Presenter Dr. Abdelaâli KOSSIR) : « Weekly e-conference Initiative », c’est une série de conférences multidisciplinaires en live, animées par des experts et des professeurs de renom, qui partagent leurs savoirs et expériences scientifiques durant presque une heure.
Abdelaâli KOSSIR : Abdelaâli is a Director of Technology Transfer Office chez Mohammed VI Polytechnic University /OCP SA.
Friday May 15th, 13:30-14:30 (Morocco Time), 9:30am-10:30am (US Eastern Time)
Overview of 1337 and YouCode (Presenters Yassir BOUX and Adil BELKHADIR): 1337 and YouCode are progressive and inclusive coding institutions (peer-to-peer learning and learning by doing) that participate in the Explorer program. This workshop will provide an overview of the students, curriculum and projects taught and executed there, and highlight potential avenues for collaboration (internships, partnerships) with the students to foster entrepreneurship within Morocco and globally.
Yassir BOUX : Yassir is Computer science engineer, spent years as a software developer before joining OCP as a project manager and becoming part of the founding team of Leet Initiative, an OCP association focused on promoting computer science , technology and entrepreneurship by creating 100% tuition free programming schools (1337, YouCode) with new ways of teaching.
Adil BELKHADIR : Adil is a Project manager at 1337/YouCode – Ocp Group. He coordinates different digital school projects created by OCP (1337/ YouCode) and monitors the pedagogy dispensed in these schools.
Office Hours
Monty Sharma : Monday, May 11, 13:00 – 14:00. Monty is a seasoned entrepreneur and tech executive who has worked in everything from telecoms to video games. He has worked with a number of student started or university spin-out companies in Canada and the US. His expertise is behavioral design for both companies and products. TOPIC: Video games, Telecoms, Behavioral Design.
Catherine Mannick : Monday, May 11th, 13:00 – 15:00. Catherine is an angel investor and former international business lawyer, with experience in Fin Tech and Software as a Service. As an angel investor, she focuses on social impact investing. Catherine has mentored start-ups both in the US and internationally, in Italy, Russia and Ukraine. As a mentor she specializes in team building and pitching to potential investors. TOPIC: Open.
Marwan Hassoun (Explorer Executive Director): Tuesday, May 12th, 14:00 – 17:00, (Zoom link will be provided the day before the office hours). Marwan is a technology professional with IP and technology expertise and advises technology companies (including startups) and law firms on technology and IP strategies including methodologies for maximizing the return on investment of their intellectual property (patents and trade secrets). TOPIC: Open.
- MITEF Pan Arab Impact Report Launch: Hala Fadel and Kushal Shah discuss report findings and COVID-19. Applications are due Thursday, May 14th 2020 – 18:00. For more information see the link here.
- NASA, Partners Launch Virtual Hackathon to Develop COVID-19 Solutions. Event dates May 30-31, 2020. Participant registration will open in mid-May. For more information see the link here.
- Appel à candidature l Projets SIL (Social Innovation Lab) COVID19 REcherche-ACTION. Le Social Innovation Lab – UM6P et la Fondation OCP, lancent un appel à projets qui mobilisera des équipes de chercheurs pluridisciplinaires volontaires appelés à mener des recherches-action sur des thématiques sociales. Date limite de soumission des candidatures : Samedi 30 Mai 2020.
Pour plus d’informations sur cette opportunité cliquez ici.
Pour plus d’informations sur le SIL Proposal Template cliquez ici.